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08 Jun 2006

PAI playing at Scarborough casino

Supplier: PAI Group
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PAI playing at Scarborough casino

PAI and sister company Lighting Technology Projects (LTP) have completed the design, specification and commissioning of an integrated sound and AV solution and specification of interior and exterior architectural lighting at the Opera House Casino, Scarborough.

The venue is a complete new build on the footprint of the former old Royal Opera House Theatre, which had a history dating back to the 19th century. After being derelict for many years, the old building was demolished in 2004 and replaced with a new construction designed by architects Frame International. Frame also created the interior design.

Twenty-three 42in. plasma screens are installed throughout the Opera House, which includes the main gaming room and Rosie's Bar and lounge on the ground floor and a restaurant, lounge and private dining room upstairs.

Two additional plasmas in the foyer area provide separate channels of TV advertising running a user-updatable Inspiration Matters “Inspired Signage” package.

A 10ft. motorised screen and a 3,000 Lumen projector at the back of Rosie's Bar provides an area for special events and presentations. PAI also installed the eight-channel TV network that delivers a combination of video sources patchable to any destination.

Downstairs in the main gaming room, the clients wanted to make a statement with a video feature flanking the bar. Frame provided the design for two elegant portrait format video screens and Paul Adams came up with the technical solution. These are fed by fed by four Samsung projectors - two per screen -using an edge-blending solution covering the top and bottom sections of the screen respectively, making one complete image.

PAI designed a background music sound system consisting of TOA speakers to cover all areas of the venue evenly. This is split into eight different areas via a Cloud 8 channel zoner, and takes input from a variety of sources including DVD and CD players.

In front of the main bar in the main gaming room is a small area with a grand piano which is used for live performance and presentations. This has its own independent flown PA system above, also featuring TOA speakers, complete with a small mixer built into the main audio rack.

LTP were asked by Frame Associates to specify a series of specialist indoor and outdoor architectural lighting products to produce the colours and type of lighting they wished to use. They also drew up the system design schematic from which the electrical contractor worked during the actual fit up.

In the reception and bar areas, the company specified 120 blue in-ground stainless steel Lumos3 LED fittings. The provide a theatrical nuance intended as a mood setter for anyone entering the Casino

In the main gaming room, LTP has used 24 ColorKinetics ColorBlast 12 colour changing LED RGB floods which are up-lighting the main feature wall, fitted into a large trough running around the room. Control is via a CK i-Player running the ColorPlay light authoring software.

Outside, the main entrance is on one of Scarborough's main thoroughfares and busiest roads. The local planning department insisted that the front blended into Scarborough's cityscape, and there's now a 20m. wide opaque glass canopy running the full width of the building. This is illuminated with a full linear run of 3 Watt colour-changing Lumos LED strips.

Above this, the main façade is up-lit with four ColorBlast 12 floods. There's also a series of forty 1 Watt warm white LEDs - either recessed or contained in surface mounted stainless steel housings - highlighting assorted architectural features on the building.

On the side elevation, 12 clear-lensed ColorBlast 12 fixtures light the ceiling canopy which has a 30m. overhang. Meyer Superlight floods with anti-glare louvers are fitted to cross light the steel finish across the wall.

The rear corner of the building which adjoins a car park also features the Casino's key exterior visual feature, a steel sculptural 'Rocket' that glows in the dark, acting as a beacon for anyone looking for the venue or needing to get their bearings.

The Rocket is totally decorative and is currently lit with magenta Meyer Superlights, with plans to upgrade to colour changing LEDs at a later date.

Supplier: PAI Group
Llanelli Carmarthenshire UK
The PAI Group specialise in the design, supply and installation of bespoke audio-visual, lighting, sound and dynamic signage solutions for the leisure, retail, education, heritage, architectural and sports industries.

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