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Product innovation

Lauren Heath-Jones takes a look at the latest technology and innovation currently making waves across the world of sport

Lauren Heath-Jones, Leisure Media

Marco Suvilaakso introduces the Polar Team Pro Shirt


Marco SuvilaaMarco Suvilaakso, chief strategy officer at Polarkso

Polar has created the Polar Team Pro Shirt, a new advancement in wearable tracking technology.

Designed for professional athletes and sports teams, the Polar Team Pro Shirt is a sleeveless, base-layer shirt, with integrated Polar tracking technology.

It features two unobtrusive heart rate capture points built directly into the fabric. The heart rate capture points accurately track heart rate metrics while eliminating the need for a bulky heart rate unit.

The shirt captures real-time heart rate data, while a motion sensor tracks speed, distance and acceleration.

The shirt is compatible with Polar’s Team Pro System, an app that enables coaches to plan, monitor and evaluate training. Coaches using the app will have instant access to real-time data relating to the athlete’s performance.

Marco Suvilaakso, chief strategy officer at Polar, says: “Polar’s history is deeply rooted in team sports, and for more than 15 years we’ve been working with teams globally to provide the best solutions.”

“The Team Pro sensor is an entirely new design that allows player heart rate tracking in addition to GPS and movement data, without impeding the movement of the player.”

Sport-kit keyword: POLAR

"Polar’s history is deeply rooted in team sports, and for more than 15 years we’ve been working with teams globally to provide the best solutions.”


Heart rate capture points are built into the shirt’s fabric

Kieran Sloyan discusses the Swimtag lane display


Kieran Sloyan, managing director at Swimtag

Online swimming tracker platform Swimtag has extended its current offering with the launch of the Swimtag lane display – an automated system that allows swimmers to track performance in real time.

Swimmers are issued with a Swimtag wristband that tracks their pace, total distance covered and the number of lengths completed. Swimmers simply touch their wristbands to the screen to display their data.

Kieran Sloyan, managing director at Swimtag, says: “The new lane displays take the Swimtag user experience to a whole new level. The ability to access real time data allows swimmers to make immediate adjustments to their training session.”

Sloyan adds: “It enables swimmers to move closer to their personal goals, whether this be distance covered in a target time or number of lengths completed in a session. The lane displays also help to keep swimmers focused on their target pace, ensuring they get maximum health and fitness benefits.”

Sport-kit keyword : SWIMTAG

“The new lane displays take the Swimtag user experience to a whole new level. The ability to access real time data allows swimmers to make immediate adjustments to their training session.”


Real time data enables swimmers to make quick adjustments

Dominique Wenger explains the Phantom Training Mask


Dominique Wenger, CEO of Phantom Athletics

German athletic equipment manufacturer Phantom Athletics has launched the Phantom Training Mask (PTM), an ergonomically designed respiratory training mask that claims to train breathing, in order to boost performance and power.

Unlike altitude training, which reduces oxygen intake, the PTM adds resistance to the breathing process, so that the lungs have to work harder, by taking deeper and more forceful breaths, to take in the same level of oxygen.

This training not only strengthens the respiratory system but also enhances physical conditioning and increases training productivity.

The mask has a nylon cover that is designed to provide optimal airflow, and features the Phantom Regulation System (PRS) and an Xhale valve that is designed to ensure comfortable breathing.

The PRS system and Xhale valve are made from an odourless, hypoallergenic, medical silicone. The silicone moulds to the user’s facial features to provide a secure and comfortable fit.

The PTM is suitable for use in all sports and athletic performance activities.

Dominique Wenger, CEO of Phantom Athletics, says: “The ”The Phantom Training Mask helps athletes from all sports backgrounds to specifically train their breathing and take their performance to the next level.”

Sport-kit keyword: PHANTOM ATHLETICS

”The Phantom Training Mask helps athletes from all sports backgrounds to specifically train their breathing and take their performance to the next level.”


The PTM adds resistance to breathing, so the lungs work harder

New app from My Local Pitch will “significantly enhance grassroots sporting experiences” says co-founder Jamie Foale


Jamie Foale, co-founder of My Local Pitch

Online booking platform My Local Pitch has launched an iOS app. The app is designed so that people can instantly book grassroots facilities while on the go.

Users are currently able to book facilities for over 17 sports – including football, netball, tennis, badminton and squash – in London, Manchester and Dublin. The user-friendly app features an interactive map, which enables users to locate and view their nearest facilities before making a booking.

Jamie Foale, co-founder of My Local Pitch comments: “My Local Pitch’s mission is to make booking sports facilities easier, and the iOS app launch was a major milestone in achieving this.”

“The app promises to significantly enhance people’s sporting experiences. It means sports players can now hire a pitch or court as easily as they could reserve a table in a restaurant. This has enabled sports venues to better utilise their facilities, with an uplift of 26 per cent more bookings being taken at MLP operated venues.”

Sport-kit keyword : MY LOCAL PITCH

“My Local Pitch’s mission is to make booking sports facilities easier, and the iOS app launch was a major milestone in achieving this.”


The app makes booking sports pitches or courts as easy as booking a restaurant table

Originally published in Sports Management Sep Oct 2017 issue 133
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